Developer for IPhone: “Do App Store? These Are the Benefits”
August 20th, 2008 by thesuper

The creator of the popular application for iPhone, Where To, has exposed some of the realities on the development for the App Store. John Casasanta, tap tap tap, said that while he expected the company to have complete records of sales of the updated App Store, Apple has shared information only until July 28. According to available information, Where To sold about 3,193 downloads with a price of 2.99 dollars, reaching the $ 9,547 net sales.

Apple keeps 20 percent, so that the benefits of TTT for a week are about 6,928 U.S. dollars if multiplied by 52 weeks of the year, would generate little more than 360,000 dollars a year. Although it is selling at a lower price, is said to Where To sell more than the desktop software from the company.

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