The Lady
Oct 11th, 2021 by thesuper

As Ortiz (2005, p.133) ' ' It is in day-by-day of the men whom if the permanence of the sacred world assures. The religious myth penetrates, of this form, the profane universe to also reach the cotidianidade of that suportam' '. Until century XVIII, if it evidences in the African communities in Brazil, a proliferation chaotic of amorphous cults described to the time as ' ' jogos' ' or ' ' divertimentos' ' , however three ' ' solues' ' , ' ' soluo' ' bantu, ' ' soluo' ' fon and ioruba and in the cities, ' ' soluo' ' Islamic. The religions bantus in Brazil if had shown permeveis to the external influences very and reinterpretaram the cult of deceased of the catolicismo or the indians; in the reinterpretao of the faith catholic, when certain saints, as they are Benedict and Ifignia saint starts to be saints, become ancestral familiar or national. If it does not seem to shock the moral or the religion Some gentlemen allowed that the blacks danced and sang to Saturdays, sundays or days of parties. Hear other arguments on the topic with Vanessa Marcil.

Already in the cities, batuques and cangers were forbidden. One feared that the groupings of slaves degnerated in subversive movements. The only authorized parties were of Christian matrix: of ours the lady of the rosary, padroeira of black color, congadas and the others of the same sort (COAST, 2007, p.299). They protect you the survival of the black folklore, however never they authorize openly the practical ones of the true religious cults that it seem irreconciliveis the Christianity. The thus protected folklore can lose its espontaneidade quickly and to become artificial when it develops with the support of all the authorities, religious and civil generating a religious brotherhood of the Christian type under the protection of the padroeira, ours lady of the rosary. These confrarias imitated in the Portuguese model had before been introduced in the Congo, with relative success for the lusos missionaries during the evangelizao of that kingdom.

Tourist Planning
Sep 21st, 2021 by thesuper

In this direction, in the Areas of Ambient Protection, it is understood that the use of the space for the leisure, including the tourist activities, will have to follow the current law, the planning will have to occur of responsible form and aiming at to guarantee the ambient and economic support. 2,2 Tourism and sustainable development the tourism is an activity that modifies the landscape and uses the space as product, then, is .causing of impacts, mainly negative in relation to the natural environment, but at the same time it can be important ally in the ambient conservation since that planned well, therefore the tourism in certain regions can be considered degradante little of what other activities, as the appearance of the industry and agriculture on a large scale. Hall (2004), in its book Tourist Planning, affirms that the tourism in its productive chain, is capable to cause negative impacts, mainly ambient impacts for the improper use of the space and it inadequate planning of the activity in regions of excellent ambient importance. Speaking candidly Charlotte Hornets told us the story. in the same book the author affirms that the tourism has contributed for the degradation of the environment by means of the infrastructure development, as it occurs in many coastal regions, where the value of the real estate enterprises is more important that the preservation of the natural resources and paisagsticos. But data the 8 size of the sector, the tourism contribute and at the same time, it presents answers to some of these problems. Being thus, the appearance of the tourism in natural environments, since that planned well, it can be important ally to the ambient conservation and the economic development, therefore he is inserted in a segment of the tourism that leads as main rule, the support of the actions carried through in one determined destination for the preservation and conservation of the natural resources and the efficiency in the economic and social development. Many writers such as Ben Bretzman offer more in-depth analysis.

July Stroll
Jan 7th, 2020 by thesuper

This study it had as objective generality to characterize the operations of tourism of comment of the dolphins in Pipe. Larry Culp brings even more insight to the discussion. as objective specific: ) To characterize the operations of tourism of comment of dolphins in the Beach of Pipe? RN; b) To characterize the partner-economic and cultural profile of the boatmen who operate boats and motor boats and tourists who carry through the strolls to observe the dolphins; c) To characterize the conceptions of the inhabitants, boatmen and tourist on the importance of the ambient conservation, possible impacts of the TOC and on the conservation of the dolphins in the place. MATERIAL AND METHODS the study the July of 2011 was developed in the period of August of 2010. Hedvig Hricak helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The collection of data was carried through in the period of 20 the 25 of April of 2011, that it was the holiday of the Week Saint. The collections had been carried through in the Beach of the Center in land, later that the tourists disembarked of the boat stroll to see the dolphins. The field research was become fullfilled inside of the foreseen cronograma, if characterizing as quali-quantitative, it followed the considered objectives. The boats that operate with TOC in Pipe are escunas and the motor boats.

Escunas has two, that it has capacidae average of 65 passengers and these they make three viajens per day. The value of the stroll is of independent R$30,00 of the time of the year. Three motor boats still exist and these can make up to five viajens per day. The paid value for this stroll is the same paid for the fact in escuna. They can be led up to twelve people for stroll. The duration of the strolls, in both the types of boat, is of one half hour and. The tourists who desire to carry through the stroll have that to wait in the side of the beach until its option of boat is ready to search it.

Spaniard Question
Dec 26th, 2019 by thesuper

The result showed that the main reasons for use of the urban collective transport in the city of Rio De Janeiro were for the work, leisure, school. (To see figure 7) Figure 7: Which the main motivation for the use of the urban collective transport? Source: Elaborated for the authors In the question of number seven, it was asked if it must have more investment in the qualification of the professional of the urban collective transport for better customer service of the service. The result for this question was of 100% of approval. All the interviewed ones agree that the professional of this area needs professional qualification in the customer service. In the question of number eight, if it asked for that the interviewed one identified that type of qualification could add to the professional of the urban collective transport for optimum attendance the international tourists who visit the city of Rio De Janeiro. The result of this question disclosed that the majority of the interviewed ones agrees that the professionals of this area must have basic course of languages, between them the English and the Spaniard, beyond indicating the importance of a graphical guide (signalling) with necessary information on the itinerary, attractive tourist, as well as cultural centers, tourist parks, beaches in agreement etc. result in the graph below. Figure 8: That type of qualification it can be added in the service of the urban collective transport? Source: Elaborated for the authors In the question of number nine one searched to know if it is interesting for the tourist who disembarks in the New Road River to acquire the electronic ticket in order to provide more security and to inside facilitate its transit in the city without the collective exposition of foreign currency of the urban ones. The result of this question showed that 75% of the interviewed ones agree that the tourists must acquire the electronic ticket for better security during its displacement in the city.

Brazil Cinema
Oct 3rd, 2015 by thesuper

The term was used by it as ' ' representations coletivas' ' , that it would be a set of categories that would explain or justify the reality, in the field of Social Sciences. The study of the social representations it is of utmost importance for the understanding of the relations between individual and society. The problematic one of the research involves the interest for the cinemanovista movement, as well as its aesthetic and representacionais characteristics inside of the Brazilian cultural scene and the existing logic in the studies on social representations promoted by Durkheim. The New Cinema was the responsible one for a gigantic rupture with the existing cinematographic style in the decade of 1960 in Brazil. Having as slogan the phrase celebrates of Glauber Rock: ' ' An idea in the head, a camera in mo' ' , this new ideal of cinema came to breach with the preexisting style to make North American cinema.

The proposal of the pioneers of the revolutionary movement was to create a critical cinema directed toward the social one, distanciando itself of the ideal of only commercial cinema. As conceptual theoretical base some will be used periodic of theoreticians as Walter Benjamin, one of integrant of the call ' ' School of Frankfurt' ' , and its studies that if had destined to evidence the cinema as being an element of the medias of masses and Christian Metz that if considered to study the cinema with its artistic peculiarities and the importance of if understanding as if of the process of transmission of meanings for the spectators. To understand as it appeared the New Cinema we will use workmanships as the Generation of the new cinema: For an anthropology of the cinema of Peter Simonard who offers a profile of this new cinema, as well as the research that if they had destined to analyze the critical reaction of the cinematographic one is of Brazil through the workmanship of Alexander Figueira intitled of new Cinema: The wave of the young cinema and its reception in France.

Gutierrez Social
Jan 5th, 2015 by thesuper

Thus, the individual would establish a condition of ' ' to be independent without leaving of if submitting, submitting themselves without losing autonomia' ' (PUCCI apud BUENO, 2009, P. 38). 3 Events, entertainment and public politics of leisure In the development of a cultural event are, evidently, indispensable the elaboration of a previous planning, its goals, objectives, public and also its social relevance. In this aspect, we have the paper of the cultural producer, that goes to manage a project in accordance with its vises, cultural basements and values, which in certain way are almost essential to be side ranks. Thus, it is observed that ' ' realizar' ' of a cultural event engloba elements not only referring the artists and public, but also social factors and external politicians. In accordance with Gutierrez (2001): The leisure is, obviously, a cultural manifestation.

The problem, in this in case that, it is that all the felt actions with of the social citizen possess cultural dimension. This happens of the proper definition of only, changeable and not accumulating culture as something, in contraposition to the civilization definition (P. 61). She would be one as to provide the reflection on ' ' practical social contexts in which the individuals produce and receive the forms symbolic mediadas' ' (THOMPSON, 1998, P. 41), in which the varied types of values and knowledge will have access, having been able to understand new forms to perceive the society and the world. At the time current individual is surrounded by different forms of world vision.

One of the controversies concerning its experience and experiences in the world is exactly the question of its proper formation while human being. The society currently experience the industry of the entertainment, what it causes in one of the factors, the modification in amount of cultural events existing. With the increasing competition of producers to keep the participation of the people and that event is called of ' ' sucesso' ' , processes of communication and relationship with public of the organizations are used.

Virgin Islands
Jun 16th, 2012 by thesuper

I am an indian quucha. I live in an adobe house quucha, resistant the sufficient one stops sheltering in them from the cold, in a desolate hillside, surrounded of relva scarce. I do not know what it is Nike, Microsoft, best to seller, esferogrfica penxs, notebook spiral, oven microwaves. I am an indian quucha, we inhabit Peruvian high plateaus because of the invader. It happened has much time. In virtue of rarefied air, our bodies if had molded thus: ample pulmes, 20 hearts bigger percent that the average, corpulent trunks, short arms and legs, everything to facilitate the circulatrio system. But I do not have conscience of this. I know that necessary to survive here on.

Of this I have conscience. I am an indian quucha. I do not know what it is NASA, Hollywood, happy-hour, carboidratos, Porshe, Ferrari, dental cream, Virgin Islands, plasma monitor, electro encefalograma, official propaganda. My adobe house emanates fragrances of bodies without bath, more esterco of lhama and sheep that serve to foment the heat of the small fireplace. The cmodos are dark therefore it does not have windows, thus smoke is perpetual and the odors idem. Perhaps this intervenes with the breath and the eyes. I do not know.

The aged women weave blankets even so woman some, young or aged, Spaniard speaks. Some men say a little. He was only through the dialect quucha that my parents did not hear nor, nor my grandmothers and greats-grandmother, if to complain of the scarce ventilation of the house. I only know that I must take care of of lhamas. I am an indian quucha. I heard to speak of Iraq, NATO, of the Beatles, Vinicius and Jobim, never do not know what it is tungsten league, pen drive, DVD, HD, Sony, and wage readjustment. Our family takes two banns per year, in Cailoma. There the hot water is available.

Poets Hostel
Apr 24th, 2012 by thesuper

The holidays of Passover are to arrive, in this are an excellent chance to go to walk a little without spending very. It visits the north of pasO verdejante Minho, comes to take a walk in the north, it establishes an itinerary that can pass for Viana of the Castle, Bridge of Lima and Barcelos is charming cities of small dimension that they can be calcorreadas in one afternoon. It is lodged in a pension and it enters in tascas and restaurants of lesser dimension where it goes to be able to prove minhotos tidbits of traditional form. It uses to advantage the promotions of the hotels, for example in the Inn of the River it has a promotion two nights for the one price! Granite port – the capital of the north, has much to offer without having to spend richnesses. The bookstore Lello, the House of Serralves if to enter in the sunday until the o noon, a visit to Caves of the Wine of the Port is gratuitous only moments! In one day francesinha in the Prompt one tries one, in another one goes to the Z Boots, baratinho with comidinha equally unpretentious. It is lodged, for example, in the Residential one of the Allies in the Poets Hostel, but it makes the reserve it saw to get the best promotions.

Madrid- and the reader thinks, to visit a foreign capital for less than 200 euros? Yes, clearly! If to mark with some anticipation can obtain flights for 15 euros/person. Madrid has very to see and can until visiting the Museum of the Prado gratuitously if entering after the 18:00. Very downtown becomes well the foot, but of any form a ticket of meter for a trip in the center costs 1? to arrive of the airport at the center is 2. It is fed of you cover and is in a cheap downtown hotel. It finds good prices in the site indicated on.

Algarve – the crisis is to make with that many hoteleiras units of the Algarve lower the prices to attract customers. It uses to advantage! It is possible to find stays to less than 50 euros. It sees for example in Galahotels. Here the great cost goes for the gasoline, but also it has flights for Faro the 7 euros with the Ryanair. Woollen coast Light, Andalusia – Here in the distance the trick can encarecer a little, but with 300 euros already escapadela to vast water beaches becomes excellent hot of the Coast of the Light. It searches a house of vacation in the south of Spain, in Andalusia and to save efforts it invites a familiar couple friend or to divide costs.

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